I had to re-order business cards so I had them redesigned. If you look closely you will see the title (so far) of my new book in-the-writing. Like 'Musical Morphine,' this one won't let me go.
• • • Can you read the book title? Any thoughts?
Wow, is this happening?
In the next weeks I will be recording my book at SpokenWord and working with Pisgah Press on layout, edits, proofs; meanwhile Artist-Geek will be designing the cover and art work. We have set a release date for "Musical Morphine:Transforming Pain One Note At A Time" for June 1, 2016. I will keep you updated about signed copies, readings, speaking engagements. I am adding a book discussion section to the manuscript right now. If you or your group would like to "book" me, let's talk! Great new story starts next week. "DOORWAYS: Len, A Guitar, And A Wolf." I am thrilled to announce that Andy Reed of Pisgah Press, an independent publisher in Asheville, NC, accepted "MUSICAL MORPHINE: Transforming Pain One Note At A Time" in January.
He is wonderfully encouraging and insightful and together we are fine-tuning the manuscript, making it hum (no puns intended...yeah, sure). At this point, we are on schedule for publication in February or March of 2016. I will keep you posted as we progress. Just yesterday, we met to begin page layout and design! Additionally, I am working with SpokenWord, also of Asheville, to produce an audio version of the book. My producer determined I will be my own reader after hearing me informally recite part of a chapter. Many ideas are flying around about this aspect of my project. I hope to get going on that this summer. Meanwhile, the Thursday excerpts will keep on coming. Thanks for so many great comments and compliments. You enrich the experience for all. |
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![]() Musical Morphine:
Award Finalist in the "Health: Alternative Medicine" category of the 2017 Best Book Awards |