I imagined myself playing each instrument: woody clarinets, glistening trumpets, silver flutes, all manner of drums. I longed to handle them, try them out, hear their sounds. My sights always came to rest on the long wall of beautiful stringed instruments, violins, violas, guitars, their elegant, exotic shapes and warm brown and tan hues created a rich, textured tapestry. Do you remember being fascinated by any particular musical instrument? Did you ever learn to play it? Please share in the comments below.
Edna Kuiken Frank
8/20/2015 07:54:49 am
Sandy Hitzhusen
8/24/2015 03:37:51 pm
Back in the day when neighbors shared he sweat and satisfaction of hay baling, we traded labor with relatives. My aunt had an old piano in the unheated porch. Grossly out of tune and many keys minus their smooth top, it drew me in like a magnet. I tickled the keys every chance I could get, thrilled when Aunt Flo taught me "Peter, Peter, Punkin' Eater". What a thrill to come home during 2nd grade and find a new piano at my own home! Lessons flew by and I began accompanying school and church choirs since 6th grade. The joy of music through my fingers was discovered at that old, rickety piano.
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