Ready to trash the magazine, I stopped at an ad. Has something you wanted ever fallen in your lap?
Any thoughts about why this might happen? Comment below.
Dave Caouette
2/25/2015 09:37:22 pm
I think like any profession, once it gets started and people start to take notice of its existence, this very profession will fall victim to or receive the advertisement it does. It is and always be a good and bad thing. I understand that this may bring the wrong type of person into the fold but unfortunately that is a by product of creating a profession with wonderfully gifted people like yourself. Now I am not saying here we shouldn't post an ad. The ad just might be a way to find more wonderfully gifted people instead of waiting to get folks who figure this out for themselves (or is this the preferred method). Hmmmm, I guess time will tell. Just my two musical cents worth. - Dave
2/26/2015 09:06:56 am
Interesting take on things.....stay tuned. My suspicions are... ?
Carol Cohen
2/25/2015 11:46:30 pm
If we are a seeker at some point we recognize that the answers are in front of us.
2/26/2015 09:08:51 am
I agree. I am finally understanding the saying that the answer is contained in the question. Answers in front of us, as you say.
2/26/2015 02:19:04 am
I believe very little happens totally "by accident." Once we put an intention out there, whether consciously or not, there is a response. Love these excerpts, Robin!
2/26/2015 09:10:10 am
Agreed! My trick is to be mindful to the response. Sometimes I can miss it or overthink it!
2/26/2015 03:09:18 am
I've become somewhat of a skeptic where these types of a as are concerned. Hope always springs eternal and then you hit the button and although you exit without filling anything out you start getting those annoying phone calls.
2/26/2015 09:12:05 am
Sad that this happens. Takes the validity out of the real legitimate types. Stay tuned...see what happens as a result of this ad.
2/26/2015 04:34:21 am
For many years I thought of having a coffee shop, but with no money and no business experience it was only a dream. In 2010 shortly after joining Bon Air Baptist Church I saw an announcement in the Sunday bulletin they were starting a cafe and looking for volunteers. I volunteered one Sunday a month and loved it. Brewing coffee and chatting with people. In 2013 we opened a new campus and I volunteered to help open the new campus. There is a large kitchen/cafe and I am leading the cafe team. God gave me my coffee shop--no business experience or money needed. What a blessing!! Love it!!!
2/26/2015 09:13:27 am
What a great story. I wanted to be a doctor missionary at one point in my life. Lots of work now has that flavor of service and health! A true gift.
When something I want falls into my lap, if I think about it a little, I can recognize a moment when I had absolute clarity about having it. That said, my work these days is about celebrating whatever falls into my lap throughout the day--every day-- especially when I don't think I want it. It all contributes to my process of becoming...
2/26/2015 09:15:47 am
I love the idea that you are so present to what falls in your lap! I am truly the sum of all that falls in my lap.....good and bad. Always in process, as you say, of becoming.
2/26/2015 10:27:10 am
18 years ago my violinist friend called me. "Help!", she said, "The community theater is doing a play called "Quilters" and I have a conflict; can you play in the pit orchestra for me?" I was free so I told her I'd do it. When I got to the first rehearsal with my fiddle, I noticed a strange instrument called a hammered dulcimer in the group. I heard a few notes from it and was mesmerized, and told myself that I was going to buy one and learn to play it. 18 years later, I am a semi-professional hammered dulcimer player and use it for healing music work. My friend's call was definitely not a coincidence, but part of a larger plan for the direction that my life was to take.
2/26/2015 12:29:09 pm
Love that story about the hammered dulcimer. We could not orchestrate (no pun intended) these events to take place like that.
2/27/2015 02:01:52 am
The perfect job for me just landed in my lap. The perfection of the timing and the job itself could only have been ordained from above!
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